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RJ TextEd 7.41 Final

Вышла новая версия RJ TextEd - юникодового редактора со множеством возможностей для редактирования текста, html-документов, java-скриптов и т.д. Открытие множества документов в многовкладочном окне, подсветка и проверка синтаксиса, подсказки при вводе кода, закладки, неограниченное undo/redo, редактор css, html-превью, встроенный ftp-клиент, поддержка email, поддержка drag'n'drop, поддержка скинов и многое другое...


  • Below is a small list of features available in the program
  • Auto completion
  • Code folding
  • Column mode
  • Handles both ASCII and binary files
  • Html wizards
  • Use TopStyle Lite as your CSS editor if installed
  • FTP client with synchronization
  • File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager...
  • Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats
  • Unicode and ANSI code page detection
  • Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM)
  • Unicode file paths and file names
  • Html validation, format and repair
  • Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap...

What's New in This Release:

Keyboard shortcuts for text clips
It is now possible to assign any keyboard shortcut to a text clip. So, you're not limited to the Ctrl+Alt+num shortcuts anymore.

User clipboard indicator
Added a user clipboard indicator in the status bar. Nothing is shown when the standard Windows clipboard is used.

Mouse wheel behavior
Changed mouse wheel behavior. The focused text memo will always be scrollable by the mouse wheel except when over another scrollable list, e.g. explorer or search result lists.

Open/Save CSV/PSV/TSV files
CSV files should now be opened properly even if the strings contains newline characters.

Delete blank lines

  • Move the menu item to "More line operations".
  • Line changes should now be indicated properly.
  • If nothing is changed, nothing is added to undo history.

Search results
Added context menu items to open or close all tree nodes.

Fixed a great number of reported (and unreported) issues.


Скачать программу RJ TextEd 7.41 Final (18,05 МБ):

aks85 04/06/11 Просмотров: 1762