Данные и диски

Florencesoft DiffEngineX 2.23

Florencesoft DiffEngineX – программа для поиска различий между формулами и константами в двух различных документах Excel. Программа отличается очень высокой скоростью работы: за 30 секунд она может сравнить два файла размером 4 Мб!

Особенности программы:

  • Fast: Two 4Mb Excel spreadsheets can be compared in 30 seconds.
  • The trial version is free to use.
  • Compare formulae, constants, defined names & cell comments between workbooks or selected sheets.
  • Compare Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code / macros.
  • Alignment of rows and/or columns with similar content between sheets (minimizes spurious differences).
  • Report can group like changes if they are made to adjacent cells (report lists 1 change to a range of cells). This is useful when the spreadsheet contains large blocks of equivalent formulae. Check the option "Compact like changes when contiguous".
  • Choice of comparing formulae or their calculated values.
  • Numeric values compared to a user specified number of decimal places. Useful for ignoring small fractional differences.
  • Numeric differences can be ignored if less than a user specified amount or percentage change.
  • Difference report created in a new workbook.
  • Powerful option to highlight precisely the parts of formulae and text constants that differ on the report e.g. =A1+Costs+6 and =A1+NewCosts+4.
  • Option to add hyperlinks that connect the difference report (often titled Sheet1) to every cell found to differ between two spreadsheets.
  • Color highlighting of differences, at the whole cell level, made to copies of your workbooks (separate colors for additions, deletions & modifications).
  • Optional removal of existing workbook color before highlighting added (unconditional fill colour only).
  • Can optionally hide matching rows enabling convenient discovery of widely separated differences (available on the Extras dialog).
  • Can hide different rows enabling just the identical ones to be revealed.
  • Can be run using command-line arguments or from its user interface.


Скачать программу Florencesoft DiffEngineX 2.23 (29,66 МБ):

с TURBOBIT.net | LetItBit.net | VIP-file.com | DepositFiles.com
Bukkollaider 12/07/11 Просмотров: 2499