
Ubiquitous Player 7.0

Ubiquitous Player

Ubiquitous Player - универсальный медиакомбайн, включающий в себя плеер, веб-браузер, просмотрщик графики, текстовый редактор, калькулятор и виртуальную клавиатуру. Не требует инсталляции.

Ubiquitous Player

Supported types of files:

  • Audio files: mp3, ogg, flac, ape, aac, mp4, wma, wav, aif + module files: mod, xm, it, s3m, mtm
  • Video files: mpg, wmv, asf, avi (you'll maybe need some codecs installed)
  • Image files: jpg, png, gif, bmb, tiff, ico, wmf, emf
  • Text files: txt, rtf, html, mht

Ubiquitous Player

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8.

Изменения в версии 7.0:

  • Interface changes. Interface is now almost entirely text-based (and therefore scalable).
  • Many improvements to Music player
    • improvements to playlist system (you'll need to recreate your old playlist)
    • better CUE support
    • OPUS format support
    • improved compact mode
    • more track info
    • other stuff
  • Many improvements to File manager
    • better, easier to use copy/move procedures
    • color-based file grouping and sorting
    • cool progress bars in drive list window
    • touch mode
    • better scalability
    • other stuff
  • Improvements to Image viewer
  • Some changes to Bookmarks manager
  • Some tweaks regarding Windows 8
  • 200 bug fixes


Скачать программу Ubiquitous Player 7.0 (1,57 МБ):

aks85 17/10/12 Просмотров: 2083
V_Adamant 18 октября 2012, 01:25:31

Идея неплохая, ну уж очень убогий интерфейс. no