
Ubiquitous Player 10

Ubiquitous Player

Ubiquitous Player - универсальный медиакомбайн, включающий в себя плеер, веб-браузер, просмотрщик графики, текстовый редактор, калькулятор и виртуальную клавиатуру. Не требует инсталляции.

Ubiquitous Player 10

Ubiquitous Player includes:

  • Music player
    Quick and easy access to your music. Dynamic meta-playlist based on folders.
    mp3, flac, wv, ape, alac, aac, m4a, wav, ogg, wma, aif, opus
  • Image viewer (including full-screen mode)
    jpg, png, bmp, gif, tiff, ico, jpeg xr (hd photo, windows media photo)
  • File manager (dual-panel; built-in file renamer)
  • Text editor (txt, rtf)
  • Web browser
  • Bookmark manager
  • Notes
  • Calculator (wow)
  • Snipping tool
  • Color picker
  • Screen capture tool
  • Clipboard monitoring tool
  • Even more
Ubiquitous Player 10

Язык интерфейса: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish.

ОС: Windows Blue, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP SP3

Что нового в этой версии:

  • Improvements to Music player:
    • improvements to playlist system
    • every file in playlist has a counter. Just for fun.
    • drag and drop mode: you can move albums (folders) within and between playlists
    • better track seeking
    • improved cue parsing
    • CUE files are now represented visually
    • spectrum analyzer
    • you can quickly delete albums (folders) from playlist with wheel click (read below about mouse wheel. Del key also works)
    • auto focus on mouse over for playlist
    • statusbar displays filenames instead of tags
    • global hotkeys have been changed (slightly)
    • other stuff
  • Improvements to File manager:
    • smart auto resize for main window and dual panel mode
    • auto focus on mouse over
    • you can quickly add folders to playlist with wheel click (read below)
    • touch-friendly popup menu
    • improved fav folders list
    • other stuff
  • Improvements to Image viewer
    • faster rendering
    • gallery mode
    • in gallery, you can select images with right mouse button
    • WYSIWYG method of saving images. To quickly resize an image (or make a thumbnail), just zoom in/out and save it.
    • other, mostly touch-related stuff
  • Improvements to mass file renamer
  • Some changes to text editor and bookmark manager
  • Better touchscreen and tablet support
  • Bug fixes.


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Bukkollaider 13/05/13 Просмотров: 2416