Blender 2.74 + Portable

Blender - кроссплатформенный графический 3D пакет, распространяемый с открытым исходным кодом. Несмотря на относительно небольшой размер, функций этого пакета вполне достаточно для работы как обычным пользователям, так и профессионалам. Blender включает в себя средства 3D моделирования, анимации, рендеринга, обработки видео, набор опций для создания интерактивных игр, визуальные 3D эффекты и многое другое. Используя эту программу, можно создавать реалистичные 3D картины, с качеством цифровой фотографии.

Возможности программы:
- Моделирование: большое количество инструментов, включая полигональные, кривые поверхности, сплайны, шрифты,
- Анимация: скелетная анимация, покадровая анимация, ключевые кадры, интерполяция промежуточных шагов анимации,
- Предпросмотр: визуализация в реальном времени с помощью OpenGL, включая просчет частиц и столкновений объектов,
- Визуализация: очень быстрый встроенный рейтрейсер с возможностью затенения поверхностей по методу Lambert, Phong, Oren-nayar, Blinn, Toon.
Изменения в версии 2.74:
- Several improvements for BVH like making it watertight, solving several precision issues and reducing noise
- Black world backgrounds are now removed from the shader graph, resulting in great speed improvements
- Various (and great!) memory optimizations
- New Pointiness attribute for the Geometry node
- Control texture space of one object by another
User Interface
- New Viewport Compositing brings Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field right into the Viewport!
- View-depth can now be picked using an Eyedropper
- An Orphaned Data-blocks Mode was added for data-block management
- Deleting of entire object hierarchies
- Drag&Drop objects to groups
- The Node Editor can now show text-blocks in frames
- Customizable camera safe areas
- Custom normals with transfer data rings.png
- Support for Custom Normals was added
- Transferring data layers between meshes is now possible thanks to a new Mesh Data Transfer operator and modifier
- UV handling for Edge- and Vertex Slide was improved
- Inverse-square blending for proportional-edit-mode
- "Fit Camera View" now works for orthographic cameras as well
- A "Split Concave Faces" tool to ensure a convex geometry was added
- Hair dynamics and editing tools were improved massively:
- Support for hair collission with meshes
- Simulation now happens using volumetric calculations for more realistic results
- Strand bending uses a more realistic approach
- Controlling of child hair shapes using curve widgets
- New "Spiral" kink mode to generate spirals at hair ends
- Toggle buttons for render and viewport visibility were added to the particle settings in the Properties Editor
- Improvements to rake and random mapping
- Line strokes now support constrains to 45 degree increments
- Support for dithering for painting on byte images
- A new tool "Cavity Mask" was added that creates masks based on mesh cavities or hills
Texture Painting:
Freestyle NPR Rendering
- A great memory consumption optimization in stroke rendering was done
- New Editing tools like copy & paste strokes, duplicating active layer, ...
- Enable eraser on the fly while drawing with "Continuous Drawing"
- Various UI tweaks such as color swatches for Stroke and Fill colors
- Grease Pencil data layers are now shown in the Outliner
Grease Pencil:
- Improvements to the action management to reduce the cases where unused actions are deleted
- Pasting keyframes can now be done flipped
- Using a new "Follow" option, the animation editors can now follow the time indicator
Game Engine
- The first contact point of colliding can now be accessed from Python
- Usability improvements
- New option "Lock Z Velocity" to avoid micro-jumping
- A new Auto Tile Size Add-on helps setting up the fastest tile size for Cycles rendering
- Import images as planes now works for Cycles as well
- POV-Ray Renderer now supports volumetric rendering
- FBX and OBJ now support custom normals import
- New Python API functions
More Features
- There are a lot more features that are new in Blender 2.74, so make sure to check them out!
Feature Videos
- Have a look at some of the above mentioned features in the demo videos made by the Blender community. Here you will also find the Developer Sneak Peak series - a video podcast series that showcases important milestones in the development of every Blender release.
Bug Fixes
- As for every Blender release, hundreds of bugs were fixed, thanks to the hardworking Blender developers.
ОС: Windows 8/ 7/Vista
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Скачать портативную версию Blender 2.74 х32 (77,31 МБ):
Скачать портативную версию Blender 2.74 х64 (92,07 МБ):